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New Feldt und Ackerbaw, darinen deutlich begriffen wie man auss rechtem Grund der Natur auch langwiriger erfahrung in 15 Bücher beschrieben... Franckfurt am Mayn, durch Peter Schmid in verlegung Sigmund Feyrabends, 1583. Folio (333 x 210mm). pp. (12, last leaf blank), 566, (12), title printed in black and red with large woodcut and numerous woodcuts in the text and 1 large folded woodcut of a horse, printer's woodcut device at end. Contemporary green coloured vellum, with large gilt coat of arms on frontcover. An attractively bound and fine copy of the rare first editon of a compilation of Crescentiis' work with that of Estienne & Liebault and Jacques du Fouilloux, a work with splendid woodcuts. "Kompilation aus Crescenzi, den 'Siben Bücher von dem Feldbau' von Estienne und Liébault, Strassburg 1579, sowie dem 'New Jag und Weydwerck Buch' (des J. Du Fouilloux) von 1582" (Nissen). Deals with farming and gardening, animal husbandry, wine growing, fishing, bee-keeping and hunting. The fine woodcuts are by Christoph Maurer and Tobias Stimmer and depict besides botanical subjects, hunting and agricultural scenes. The work is composed as follows: 1. Vom Ackerbaw; 2. Von Mitteln und Arzeneyen; 3. Von allerley Thieren; 4. Von Acker und Fruchtfeldern; 5. Wie man der Weinreben ordentlich warten; 6. Distillierung; 7. Wie man soll sein Garten? zurichten; 8. Von dem Lustgarten; 9. Von Wiesen und Matten; 10. Von den Bienen, oder Immen; 11. Vom Otter und Biberjagt; 12. Vom adelichen Weydwerck; 13. Von Anfang der Jagten, auch vom Jäger; 14. Von der Wölff Eygenschaftt; 15. Vom Brotbacken. Provenance: Oval old library stamp on title, library label of Schloss Pfannberg with crown and shelfnumber on free endpaper, on inside frontcover large engraved bookplate 'Ex Bibliotecha... Ferdinandi Hoffman... Baronis in Grunpuhel...'; on inside backcover engraving with lion and fountain 'Tomaso Baratti e Francesco Damiani a s. Salvador al Pozzo d'Oro in Venetia'. Nissen ZBI, 988a; Lindner page 155.

Sachgebiete: Botanik, Dekorative Graphik, Gartenbau

9500,- EUR
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The Botanical Magazine; or, Flower-Garden displayed: in which the most ornamental foreign plants, cultivated in the open ground, the green-house, and the stove, are accurately represented in their natural colours... London, S. Couchman, 1793-1814. 40 volumes, bound in 20. 8vo (235 x 140mm). With 1684 fine hand-coloured engraved plates. Contemporary uniform red half morocco, richly gilt spines, marbled sides. An attractive uniformly bound set of the early years of this famous and beautifully illustrated magazine. The magazine has continued publication almost without interruption to the present day and has become a national institute of which Englishmen may justly be proud. It should be noted that the colouring of the earlier volumes, as offered above, is far superior to the later ones. "It is, indeed, the oldest current scientific periodical of its kind with coloured illustrations in the world, and in the beauty of production and high standard of its contributions it can claim a unique place" (Henry II, p. 302). Title pages to volumes 6 to 10 have been discarded by the binder, who got confused as there are 2 volumes, each with a title-page, bound in one. Added to the set the Index to vols. 1-53. The first 5 volumes are in a slightly later (identical) issue as the edition of the first 5 volumes was too low and quickly sold out. William Curtis (1746-1799) was a famous English botanist and is best known for his splendid 'Flora Londinensis' and 'The Botanical magazine'. The noted natural history illustrators, James Sowerby and Sydenham Edwards both found a start with the eminent magazine. The genus Curtisia is named in his honour. Stafleu & Cowan 1290; Nissen BBI, 2350.

Sachgebiete: Botanik, Dekorative Graphik, Naturwissenschaften

20000,- EUR
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Die Schmetterlinge in Abbildungen nach der Natur mit Beschreibungen von Eugenius Johann Christoph Esper. Herausgegeben mit Zusätzen von Toussaint von Charpentier. EuropäischeGattungen. Leipzig, T.O. Weigel, (1829-1839). 7 volumes (5 volumes of text and 4 supplements bound in 5 & 2 volumes of plates in portfolio). 4to (270 x 215mm, text) & oblong-4to (235 x 300mm, atlas). pp. xxii, 388, (2), 190; 234; 396; 1-372; (4), 373-698, 85, (1); 276; (2), 120, 52, 104, 48, with 441 beautifully handcoloured engraved plates. Uniform 19th century half calf, gilt ornamented spines with blue gilt lettered label. A fine complete copy of the second and most complete edition of this beautiful lepidopterological classic complete with the supplements. 'With Esper a real scholar arrives on the scene, and while so far we have seen a constant rise in the artistic quality of illustration, we are now aware for the first time of the so-called scientific approach, which did so much damage to Europe's culture in the nineteenth century. Esper did not hesitate to show one wing of inherently beautiful butterflies as seen from above, and the other one as seen from below' (Pfeiffer). Still, even Pfeiffer admits that this method offered new possibilities of comparative evaluation to the scholar, and Esper cannot be denied a strong artistic gift, which was greatly helped by the Nuremberg engraver Johann Carl Bock (fl. 1757-1806). During a stay in the Low Countries Bock was encouraged even more by artists of the school of Maria Sibylla Merian, who had formely worked in Nuremberg" (Nissen, Bestiaries pp. 71-72). Its fine plates are exceptionally delicately handcoloured and engraved by Bock, Sturm, Tyroff, Volkart, Walbert, a.o. after Esper's own drawings. Eugen Johann Christoph Esper (1742-1810) was a German entomologist and phycologist, professor at Erlangen and director of the Natural History Museum. His other major works are 'Icones Fucorum' published from 1797-1808 and 'Die Pflanzthiere' published from 1788-1830. Horn & Schenkling 6085; Nissen ZBI, 1316.

Sachgebiete: Dekorative Graphik

17000,- EUR
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Sammlung exotischer Schmetterlinge (Lepidoptera Exotica). New English fac-simile edition. Edited by P. Wystsman and with additional text by W.F. Kirby. Brussels, V. Verteneuil & L. Desmet, 1894-1897. 3 volumes. Large-4to (282 x 222mm). pp.(10), (8), (10),172, with 491hand-coloured lithographed plates. Contemporary brown half calf, spines with gilt lines and lettering, marbled sides (and:) HUEBNER, J. & GEYER, C. Zuträge zur Sammlung exotischer Schmetterlinge bestehend in Bekundigung einzelner Fliegmuster neuer oder rarer nichteuropäischer Gattungen. New English fascimile edition with 172 coloured plates with Introduction, and Systematic and Alphabetical Indices. Brussels, V. Verteneuil & L. Desmet, 1908-1912. Large-4to (282 x 222mm). pp. (4), 2, 100, (2), with 172 hand-coloured lithographed plates. Contemporary brown half calf, spines with gilt lines and lettering, marbled sides. Rare complete and uniformly bound set, of the English issue, of this beautifully hand-coloured new edition of one of the finest and most important works on exotic butterflies, which was edited in a very limited edition. It comprises Hübner's complete works on exotic butterflies, the 'Sammlung exotischer Schmetterlinge' published from 1806-24 and his 'Zuträge zur Sammlung exotischer Schmetterlinge' published from 1818-37, of which the last part was published by Geyer. Both these two original works are extremely rare and we have not offered copies since many decades. The new edition of these works on exotic butterflies by Wystman and Kirby is superbly produced. The plates are printed on thick, wove paper and exquisitely handcoloured. Also this edition is a great rarity and the number of copies produced minute. Wystman published 3 issues, one with German text, one with English text and one with French text. Probably no more than 50 copies were published. Mr. Kirby says "In writing letter press to Hübner's 'Sammlung exotischer Schmetterlinge', I have paid special attention to the correct identification of the species figured, and in one or two cases I have found it necessary to propose new names. I have not given descriptions, but sufficient synonymy and explanations to bring Hübner's plates into range with later publication" (Entomological Society News 1911). Very little is known about Huebner's life. The rarity of his works is due to the great upheavel caused by the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars and the long period of publication. Huebner was a man of modest means, more or less tied to his native town Augsburg. He was a designer in one of the leading cotton factories of the town. His true love and inclination were Lepidoptera. He published a number of beautifully illustrated iconographies on the subject which he published for his own account and he drew and engraved all the illustrations himself. "Nehmen wir als Beispiel die berühmten drei Schmetterlings-Iconographien des Augsburger Insecten-Malers und Muster-Zeichners in einer Kattun-Fabrik J. Hübner (1761-1826), welche als die schönsten Abbildungswerke der Entomologie gelten. Deren 1900 colorierte Tafeln sind als künstlerische Leistungen erst-rangig. (Und in der Reihe solcher Abbildungswerke, die sich die Bibliophilie und die Wissenschaft streitig machen, ist das Hübner'sche Opus eines der wenigen, bei dem der Fall eintritt, dass ihm die Wissenschaft einen höheren Preiss zubilligt, als die Bibliophilie; obzwar sonst infolge der weitaus grösseren Kaufwilligkeit und Kaufkraft, die nach der Kunst hin orientierten Sammlern innewohnt, die Preise solcher auf dem Ueberschneidungs-Gebiet wachsenden Werke eben von der Bibliophilie bestimmt werden)" (Junk. Rara p. 244). Small stamp on half-titles and titles. The work describes among others species from the East Indies, China, India and Australia. A very clean and nice set. See Horn & Schenkling 10905 & 10908 for the original edition and Nissen ZBI, 2040 & 2041 for the original edition as well as the present issue. Also see F. Hemming. 'Hübner. A bibliographic and systematic account of the entomological works of Jacob Hübner...'.

Sachgebiete: Dekorative Graphik

16000,- EUR
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Neues systematisches Conchylien-Cabinet. Nürnberg, G.N. Raspe, 1769-1795. 11 volumes (including the Index volume by Schröter). 4to (395 x 235mm). With 1 hand-coloured engraved frontispiece, 2 portraits and 408 fine hand-coloured engraved plates, numerous engravings in the text of which some handcoloured. Contemporary calf, spines with later rebacking and gilt lettered labels, sides with gilt borders. The most beautifully produced German iconography on shells, portraying marine shells from all over the world including shells from Cook's voyage into the Pacific. The work describes and portrays many shells from New Zealand, some from Australia and some from Tahiti, mostly collected during Cook's voyages. In the preface of the 5th volume Chemnitz states: "... viele dem Kenner wichtiger Conchyliologische Nachrichten aufgetrieben, auf jeder Kupferplatte einige ganz neue, äusserst seltene, auch vorzügliche Südländische, bey den Cookischen Seereisen, zuerst entdeckte Gattungen geliefert". Below we give the volumes and pages where these shells are described (as well as portrayed). Vol. IV: p. 220; Vol. V: pp. 26, 27, 28, 36, 42, 47, 97, 100, 163, 166, 187, 207, 213, 215, 229, 230, 272, 285, 296, 321; Vol. VI: p. 30; Vol. VII: p. 61; Vol. VIII: pp. 167, 195; Vol. IX, 1: p. 108; Vol. IX, 2: pp. 42, 44, 49; Vol. X: pp. 183, 187, 188, 202; 210, 238; 258, 281; 287, 288, 289, 291, 295, 296, 311, 313, 314, 315, 317, 321, 355; Vol. XI: pp. 8, 17, 21, 34, 59, 134, 165, 179, 180, 247, 281. For example page 36 of volume V describes 'Der Cookskräusel von Cooks Meeresenge bey Neu-Seeland'; page 166 describes 'Das Bretspiel... diese Schnecken sind nach meinem Verzeichniss von Diemensland', page 207 describes 'Die rötliche geperlte Neuseeländische Mondschnecke'; Volume IX, 1 p. 108 describes 'Die linke Otaheitische Flussschnecke... die mir von den Cookischen Seereisen zugefallen'; Vol. X p. 188 describes 'Der Wasserfall... auch diese Gattung haben wir den Cookischen Seereisen zu verdanken. Sie ist gleichfalls bey Neuseeland, bey diesem Wohnorte der herrlichen Conchylien gefunden worden', page 201 describes ?'Der Otaheitische Thurm... die erst bey den letzten Cookischen Reisen um die Welt, bey Otaheite entdecket worden', page 314 describes 'Das Venusohr... das kleine gestreifte Ohr von Neu-Seeland', page 355 describes 'Die Südseeische Venus, Venus Australis... diese vortrefliche Venusmuschel hat der berühmte Banks dem Herrn Spengler verehret'. Vol. XI page 34 describes 'Aurora. Die Pomeranze. Cyoraea Aurora Solandri? Sie wohnet in der Südsee bey Neuseeland'; page 59 'Der Südseeische Kegel. Conus Australis? Es wohnet dieser Kegel in der Südsee, vornehmlich bey Südwallis'; page 165' Die Südseeische Dicklippe. Trochus Labeo Australis? Bey Neuseeland sollen Dicklippen die gemeinsten Schnecken sein'. Many of the shells come from the cabinet of Lorenz Spengel of Copenhagen (ex Museo Spengleriano). His cabinet contained many Cook related items and Spengel was a regular customer of Humprey, 'who wrote to Spengler on 15 October, 1775, apologizing for the delay in sending him shells and explaining that he needed to be on hand to take care of transactions on the return of the 'Resolution" (Andrews, The Southern Ark p. 48). "Friederich Wilhelm Martini, a Hamburg physician, conceived the idea of publishing the first large-scale encyclopaedia of shells illustrated with hand-coloured plates. His ambition was to describe and portray every kind of shell known, an ambition virtually impossible to fulfil, as others have discovered since. No sooner was the third volume of the 'Neues Systematisches Conchylien-Cabinet' in print that its author died, in 1778. Publication was continued by Johann Hieronymus Chemnitz, a Danish clergyman who, between 1779 and 1795, added a further eight volumes" (Dance, Shells p. 24). The portrayed shells come from famous 'wunderkammer' collections of Kings and nobility, as well as wealthy merchants, such as the museum of Lorenz Spengler, cabinet maker of the King of Denmark; the museum of the King of Denmark, King Frederic V, an avid shell collector; the museum of Count A.G. Molke, who had one of the finest shell collections in Europe, many from the famous Seba collection; the museum of J.F. Bolten, who had worked out a new system of conchology; the museum of J.S. Schröter; the museum of Madame de Blandeville; the museum of Abraham Gevers, burgomaster of Rotterdam, who had one of the finest collections in the Netherlands; the museum of Empress of Austria, Maria Thesesia, who had a large shell collection in Vienna, which was decribed in a sumptuous folio by Baron Ignatius von Born; as well as the very extensive collections of Martini, in the first 3 volumes, and of Chemnitz in the other volumes. 10 volumes were planned and the title of volume 10 reads 'zehnter and letzter Band'. A separate index was published by Samuel Schöter a 'Vollständiges alphabetisches Namen-Register über alle zehn Bände'. In 1795 a supplementary volume was published, which is lacking in most sets and present here. Very few sets have this volume. A 12th volume was published 34 years after publication of volume 11. It was published by G.H. Schubert & J.A. Wagner in 1829 and is one of the great rarities in conchological literature. The excellent plates are by A.F. Happe, Krüger, J.S. Leitner, Nüssbiegel, Scheidl, F. Ant, J.P. Degen and others, and were engraved by V. Bischoff, J.C. Bock, C.B. Glassbach, L.S. Leutner, J. Nussbiegel and V. Vogel. Volume V lacks 5 text leaves, these were never bound in. Added to the set is the later published index by L. Pfeiffer 'Kritisches Register zu Martini und Chemnitz's Systematisches Konchylien Kabinet' Kassel 1840. As usual with this work some occasional foxing. Title-pages with former owner's stamp. Nissen ZBI, 2722; B.M. (Nat. Hist.) III, 1252.

Sachgebiete: Dekorative Graphik, Deutschland, Naturwissenschaften

35000,- EUR
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Pomona Franconica oder natürliche Abbildung und Beschreibung der besten und vorzüglichen Europäischen Gattungen der Obstbäume und Früchte welche in dem Hochfürstlichen Hofgarten zu Würzburg gezogen werden. Nebst den haupsächlichsten Anmerkungen über deren Erziehung, Propfung und Pflege... Pomona Franconica. Description des Arbres fruitiers, les plus connus et les plus estimés en Europe... Nürnberg, bey Adam Wolfgang Winterschmidt, 1776-1776. 2 volumes. 4to (245 x 200mm). pp. civ, 152; (4), 364, with engraved frontispiece, 1 folded engraved garden plan, 10 engravings in the text and 110 engraved plates of which 99 spendidly hand-coloured. Contemporary half calf, spines in 6 compartments with gilt ornaments and gilt lettered red and green labels (tiny old repair to top of one volume and foot of the other one). A very fine copy, of the most attractive work on fruit published in Germany. "Der Hochfürstliche Hof- und Residenzgärtner Johann Mayer verfasste das bedeutende Werk 'Pomona Franconica...' Im esten Band sind 12 Aprikosen-, 6 Mandel- und 33 Pflaumensorten enthalten, im zweiten 25 Kirschen- und 32 Pfirsichsorten... " (Martini p.70). "A delightful and charming work" (Dunthorne). "Johann Mayer was born in Prague and learned about gardening in France and England before he settled in Würzburg to look after the garden of the Prince-Bishop, Adam Frédéric, Prince of the Holy Roman Empire, Biship of Bamberg and Würzburg, Duke of Franconia, to whom he dedicated his book, which has a bilingual text... the book was intended to raise the standard of fruit-growing in Germany, and Mayer's training in France helped him to do so" (S. Raphael, An Oak Spring Pomona pp. 135-6). A third volume appeared in 1801, in a very small edition and only a few copies survived. The 3 major botanical collections, de Belder, the Oak Spring library and Plesh collection, do not or did not have a copy of this volume. Adam Wolfgang Winterschmidt (1733-1796), the publisher was also the artist and engraver of the plates. The plates are highly finished, many heightened with gum arabic. The 11 plain engraved plates show pruning and grafting techniques and were never coloured. The text both in German and French. Dunthorne 220; Nissen BBI, 1318; Stafleu & Cowan 5748.

Sachgebiete: Botanik, Dekorative Graphik

18000,- EUR
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Faunae Insectorum Germanicae Initia oder Deutschlands Insecten. Nürnberg, in der Felseckerschen Buchhandlung, 1793-1799. parts 1-67 (of 100), bound in 17 volumes. Oblong small-8vo (120 x 95mm). With 1 allegorical hand-coloured engraved frontispiece and 1599 (of 1608) fine engraved hand-coloured plates, each plate with a leaf of descriptive text and 7 extra original drawings. Later uniform half calf, spines with gilt lettering. A very fine uniformly bound set of the first 67 parts of the most beautiful miniature entomological work ever published. The first 109 parts were published by Georg Wolfgang Franz Panzer (1755-1829). "There does not exist a more accurate or useful work. The figures are drawn and etched by the famous Sturm, the best entomological artist on the continent; ... while the descriptions, although frequently too short, are written by hand of a master. The system of Fabricius is followed and the work altogether is highly essential to every one who writes upon the entomology of Europe" (Swainson). Part 110 was published by Geyer, and Herrich-Schaeffer published parts 111-190. The continuation of Panzer's work is very scarce due to a decreasing number of subscribers. "Die alte bayrische Schule der naturwissenschaftliche Illustrationen hat sich unsterbliche Verdienste besonders um die Entomologie erworben. Sie hat die schönsten Abbildungswerke dieser Wissenschaft geliefert" (Junk. Rara II, p. 142). Jacob Sturm (1771-1848), who illustrated and engraved parts 1-109, was born in Nuremberg. His father Johann Georg Sturm was an engraver. Jacob Sturm was the editor and illustrator of several natural history works such as his 'Deutschlands Flora in Abbildungen nach der Natur mit Beschreibungen'. Apart from this he illustrated a great number of the finest natural history works published at that period in South Germany. "This is one of the most prodigious of the illustrated tomes in entomology ever to have been produced and shows the progress of taxonomy that took place during that span of years because Panzer included the most up-to-date synonymical history for each species, sometimes predating publication of works in preparation by colleagues who gave him information and specimens from their respective works" (Evenhuis p. 600). Added 39 duplicate plates with descriptive text. Provenance: Bookplates of Herbert Frey and Georg Frey. Nissen ZBI, 3084; Junk Rara II, 141.

Sachgebiete: Dekorative Graphik, Entomologie , Deutschland

6000,- EUR
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