Mehâsinü’l-Âsâr ve Hakaikü’l-Ahbâr (The Charms and Truths of Relics and Annals) AHMED VASIF Printed in Ottoman Turkish Cairo: Bulaq, 1246 [1830] ÖZEGE 22519 2 Volums in 1 Vol., I: 14, 210 p.; II: 7, 190 p. (The first 2 folios of the index of vol. 1 are damaged and some text is missing. A photocopy with the full text has been inserted) Half-leather bound, 28 x 18 cm.
Sachgebiete: Geschichte, Orient, Türkei
2100,- EUR
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Vekâyi-i Devlet-i Alîye (Events in the Sublime State / the Ottoman Empire) Printed in Ottoman Turkish Istanbul: Matbaa-i Osmaniye, 1309 [1892] ÖZEGE 19772 12 Vol. I: 6, [2], 381 p., II: 6, 391 p., III: 6, 388 p., IV: 4, 365 p., V: 4, 370 p, 1 Illustration, VI: 7, 412 p., VII: 7, 367 p., VIII: 362 p., IX: 320 p., X: 278, 7 p., XI: 9, 275 p., XII: 8, 286 p. Half-leather bound, 26 x 17 cm.
Sachgebiete: Geschichte, Orient, Türkei
3000,- EUR
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Ravzatü'l-hüseyin fî Hûlâsat-ı Ahbâri'l-hafikayn(Garden of Elegance Containing Extracts of on the Orient and the Occident) Printed in Ottoman Turkish Istanbul: Matbaa-i Âmire 1259 [1843] ÖZEGE 150876 6 Vols. bound in 3 Vols. + appendix about “Edirne Incident” 15, 462 + 15, 451 + 10, 460 + 6, 10, 465 + 6, 452 + 8, 442 + 58 p. Half leather bound, 21.5 x 14 cm.
Sachgebiete: Geschichte, Orient, Türkei
2400,- EUR
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Nişancı Mehmed Paşa
Tarih-i Nişancı Mehmed Paşa (History of Nişancı Mehmed Paşa) Printed in Ottoman Turkish Istanbul: Tab'hane-i Âmire, 1279 [1863] ÖZEGE 198803 348 pp., cloth spine, leather covers, 18 x 13 cm.
Sachgebiete: Geschichte, Orient, Türkei
1000,- EUR
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Tarih-i Gülşen-i Maarif Printed in Ottoman Turkish Istanbul: Matbaa-i Âmire 1252 [1836] Not in ÖZEGE but AEKMK - BDK 2 Volumes. 8, 1-848 + 6, 849-1693 p. Half leather bound, 22.5 x 15,5 cm.
Sachgebiete: Geschichte, Orient, Türkei
1800,- EUR
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Mufassal Türk Tarihi (1. Kitab) (Turkish History - 1st Book) Printed in Ottoman Turkish Istanbul: Âmire Matbaası, Maarif Vekâleti Ne riyatı, 1341 [1923] 160 pp., 6 double pages, 2 folded maps (41x44 cm.) ÖZEGE 14012 Full leather bound, guilded ornamental covers and guilded edges, 23 x 16.5 cm.
Sachgebiete: Geschichte, Orient, Türkei
1800,- EUR
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Ibrahim Hakki Erzurumi 1115-1194 H. [1703-80]
Marifetname Printed in Ottoman Turkish Istanbul 1310 H. [1893] Âmire Matbaası, Sahafiye-i Osmanîye 16 + 564 p., half leather binding 32.5 x 24 cm
Sachgebiete: Astronomie, Geographie, Orient, Türkei
1400,- EUR
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Muḥammad ibn Ismāʿīl al-Buchārī
Sahīh al-Buchārī Printed in Arabic Istanbul: Matbaa-i Amire 1315 H. [1897] 8 vols. bound in 4 vols. 228, 260, 3235, 270, 242, 253, 240, 219 pp. 24.5 x 18 cm, Ottoman Style full leather bound with flip
Sachgebiete: Arabistik, Islam, Religion
925,- EUR
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