For whom the bell tolls. New York, Charles Scribner's Sons (October) 1940. 8°. [5] Bl., 471 S. Hellgrauer Orig.-Leinenband mit farbig illustr. Orig.-Schutzumschlag.
Hanneman A18.A. - First issue, with 'A' on copyright page; second issue dust jacket, with the photographer's name ("Arnold - Sun Valley") below portrait of Hemingway on rear panel. - "For Whom the Bell Tolls ... tells the story of Robert Jordan, a young American volunteer attached to a Republican guerrilla unit during the Spanish Civil War. As a dynamiter, he is assigned to blow up a bridge during an attack on the city of Segovia. It was published just after the end of the Spanish Civil War (1936–1939), whose general lines were well known at the time. It assumes the reader knows that the war was between the government of the Second Spanish Republic, which many foreigners went to Spain to help and which was supported by the Communist Soviet Union, and the Nationalist faction, which was supported by Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy. In 1940, the year the book was published, the United States had not yet entered World War II, which began on September 1, 1939, with Nazi Germany's invasion of Poland. The novel is regarded as one of Hemingway's best works, along with The Sun Also Rises, A Farewell to Arms, and The Old Man and the Sea" (Wikipedia). - Die erste deutsche Übersetzung von Paul Baudisch erschien 1941 im Verlag Bermann Fischer, Stockholm. - Bevor Hemingway seinen Roman schrieb, hatte er mit dem französischen Schriftsteller und Kulturminister André Malraux ein Abkommen über die literarische Auswertung des Spanischen Bürgerkriegs getroffen. Malraux behandelte die Ereignisse bis 1937 - in seinem Roman "Die Hoffnung" - während Hemingway die Ereignisse nach 1937 verarbeitete. 1954 wurde Hemingway für seine Novelle Der alte Mann und das Meer mit dem Literatur-Nobelpreis ausgezeichnet. - "Wer in diesen Tagen „Wem die Stunde schlägt“ liest, Ernest Hemingways meisterhaften Roman über den Spanischen Bürgerkrieg, der kann gar nicht anders, als ihn auf den Krieg in der Ukraine zu beziehen. Das Heldentum, die Opferbereitschaft, der Einsatz für ein freies, demokratisches Land, die internationale Anteilnahme und Solidarität für den Kampf gegen einen verbrecherischen Angreifer, die ungleichen Kräfteverhältnisse, all dies ist in diesem Jahr – unter ganz anderen Vorzeichen – zurückgekehrt" (R. Kämmerlings in der Welt vom 20. 12. 2022 anlässlich des Erscheinens der Neuübersetzung von Werner Schmitz). - Der Schutzumschlag am Fuß mit geringfügigen Randläsuren, sehr schönes sauberes Exemplar. - The first German translation by Paul Baudisch was published in 1941 by Bermann Fischer, Stockholm. - Before Hemingway wrote his novel, he had reached an agreement with the French writer and Minister of Culture André Malraux on the literary analysis of the Spanish Civil War. Malraux dealt with the events up to 1937 - in his novel “The Hope” - while Hemingway dealt with the events after 1937. In 1954, Hemingway was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature for his novella The Old Man and the Sea. - “Anyone reading ‘For whom the bell tolls’ these days, Ernest Hemingway's masterful novel about the Spanish Civil War, cannot help but relate it to the war in Ukraine. The heroism, the willingness to make sacrifices, the commitment to a free, democratic country, the international sympathy and solidarity for the fight against a criminal aggressor, the unequal balance of power, all this has returned this year - under completely different circumstances” (R. Kämmerlings in the Welt of 20. 12. 2022 on the occasion of the publication of the new translation by Werner Schmitz). - The dustjacket has minor edge wear at the foot, a very nice and clean copy.
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