SUMO WRESTLING / BANDO POW CAMP, JAPAN / WOLRD WAR I: Hans TITTEL. 相撲圖說. Sumo. Der japanische Ringkampf [Sumo Wrestling. Sumo. The Japanese Wrestling Match] Bando: Lagerdruckerei des Kriegsgefangenenlagers [Prison Camp Press of the POWs]
Small 4°. Folding colour image, title, 42 pp. with colour and black and white images in the text, all text printed recto on folded paper, 3 colour and 1 full-page illustration, original patterned card wrappers with mounted title in Japanese (Very Good with only minor war to the corners). [Accompanied with:] 18 black and white photos. Various sizes from 4 x 6 cm (8 photos) to 7 x 10 cm (1.6 x 2.4 inches to 2.7 x 3.9 inches), 3 photos with hand written names in pencil verso.
Sachgebiete: Japan, Orient, Sport
6800,- EUR
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SCIENCE / BANDO POW CAMP, JAPAN / WOLRD WAR I: Friedrich SOLGER (1877-1965). Heimaterde und Ahnenblut. Eine Erinnerung an die vom Januar 1918 bis zum Juni 1919 im Lager Bando gehaltenen "Vorträge zur Heimatkunde"
Bando: Lagerdruckerei des Kriegsgefangenenlagers [Prison Camp Press of the POWs] 1919. Small 4°. Title page on thicker paper, XX, title page on thicker paper, 128 pp. with colour and black and white illustrations, title page on thicker paper, 152 pp. with colour and black and white illustrations, title page on thicker paper, 379 pp. with colour and black and white illustrations, maps, charts and a folding colour time chart, bound in original green silk binding with brown lettering, inserted printed advertisement of a bookbinder (Very Good with slight discoloration to the spine).
Sachgebiete: Japan, Orient, Wirtschaft, Wissenschaftsgeschichte
4500,- EUR
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MUSIC / BEETHOVEN: Das Engel-Orchester. Seine Entstehung und Entwicklung 1914-1919 [The Engel Orchestra. Its Foundation and Development 1914-1919] Bando: Lagerdruckerei des Kriegsgefangenenlagers [Prison Camp Press of the POWs] [September] 1919.
Small 4°. Title page, IV, 158 pp., interleaved 4 dark grey sheets with mounted 11 original black and white photographs, inserted errata, original green linen binding with lettering on the cover (Very Good, minor age-toning to the spine).
Sachgebiete: Japan, Musik/Noten
7500,- EUR
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BANDO POW CAMP, JAPAN / WOLRD WAR I / ADDRESS BOOK: Heimat-Adressen der Kriegsgefangenen im Lager Bando, Japan [Home Addresses of the Prisoners of War in Bando Camp, Japan]
Bando: Lagerdruckerei des Kriegsgefangenenlagers [Prison Camp Press of the POWs] 1919. Small 4°. 49 pp., inserted printed explanation, original illustrated wrappers (very good with hardly noticeably scuffing to the edges).
Sachgebiete: Adressbücher, Japan, Weltkrieg
4500,- EUR
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JUDAICA, OTTOMAN EMPIRE / “MASONIC PRESS”: Lucien SCIUTO (1868–1947). L’Or [Gold] Paris: Libraire maçonnique 1891.
8°. 32 pp., later wrappers (slightly age-toned and with minor foxing, narrow outer margin, without loss of text).
Sachgebiete: Freimaurerei, Orient
850,- EUR
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BENJAMIN FRANKLIN / SARAJEVO, BOSNIA, IMPRINT: Benjamin FRANKLIN (1706-1790), author; Reşad, translator. طريق رفاه. فرانقلينك ثروت حقنده كى نصايحى و ترجمه حالى [Tarik-i Refah. Frankli'nin Servet Hakkındaki Nasayihi ve Tercüme-i Hali]
[The Way to Wealth. Franklin's Commentary on Wealth and Its Translation] Sarajevo: Sultan Beyazıd Saadet Kütübhanesi 1326 [1910]. 8°, 30 pp., [2 pp.], original orange wrappers with lettering (tiny tears in margins, first and last page with light color marks from the wrappers, some light burn marks to the margins and on two pages (please see the additional photos!!!).
Sachgebiete: Amerika, Balkan , Geschichte
620,- EUR
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