Cairo. - "Die Chalifengraeber von Cairo" Chromo lithograph after the painting by Carl Werner (1808-1894) Published in: "Nilbilder" Views along the river Nile Published by Artistische Anstalt Gustav W. Seitz Wandsbeck bei Hamburg, 1871 Splendid lithograph printed in beautiful colors. With accompanying German text page. There were 24 chromo lithographs in the set, published in 4 installments and, after completion, put into a decorative cassette. The elucidating text was contributed by Johannes Duemichen. Traces of age and use only on underlaying cardboard. Text page has text on both sides. It has also some traces of age and use. Image: 27,6 x 39,7 cm (ca. 10.8 x 15.6") Cardboard sze: 40 x 60 cm (ca. 15.7 x 23.6") Lithograph was mounted fully on underlaying cardboard. Lower right corner bears title, artist, name of publication and publisher's address. Lower margin center bears blind stamp of publisher. The complete set consists of 24 chromo lithographs. They were dedicated 'with the deepest devotion' to "His Imperial and Royal Highness, Crown Prince of Prussia Friedrich Wilhelm"
Traces of age and use only on underlaying cardboard. Text page has text on both sides. It has also some traces of age and use. Image: 27,6 x 39,7 cm (ca. 10.8 x 15.6")
300,- EUR
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Sachgebiete: Ägyptologie, Altertum, Archäologie, Geographie
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