Tarih-i Nişancı Mehmed Paşa (History of Nişancı Mehmed Paşa) Printed in Ottoman Turkish Istanbul: Tab'hane-i Âmire, 1279 [1863] ÖZEGE 198803 348 pp., cloth spine, leather covers, 18 x 13 cm.
The historical work, titled Tarih-i Nişancı Mehmed Paşa, but originally titled Siyer-i Enbiya-i izam ve ahval-i hulefa-i kiram ve menakib-i selatin-i Osman, was written at the instigation of Sultan Suleyman and is still one of them today most popular most used historical manuals of the Ottomans. After a very short about one Quarter of the whole-filling treatment of world history (patriarchs, Muslim dynasties, etc.) is presented in more detail the Ottoman imperial history from Osman up to Suleyman, and indeed until the year 969 [1561]; the last event mentioned in most of the manuscripts is the execution of Prince Bayezid on the 15th of Muharrem 969 [25.XI. 1561]. In between are details of saints, famous poets, scholars, writers, buildings of the sultans, etc.
1000,- EUR
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